A dream.

Evan Wildstein
Published in
Nov 1, 2020


It’s mid-November, 2020. All ballots are cast and counted, and even with a multiplicity of voter suppression efforts, the election favors Joe Biden with more than five million votes.

The “all lives matter” crowd post a few more clips from Alex Jones before hibernating until 2023–2024. Made in China MAGA hats are sold at a 90% discounted rate like after-Halloween candy. Families can once again go back to semi-normal conversation.

A cadre of like-minded physicians and policy-makers begin gathering to throw out “Operation Warp Speed” — even though that’s a hella cool name — and replace it with an actual plan to stabilize cases and deaths of COVID-19 so *all* industries can safely get back to work and re-grow the economy.

Teachers and healthcare professionals (who have spent the last three-fourths of the year terrified, sleepless, and more stressed than most other professions) can slowly begin seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. By spring/summer 2021, nonprofits can once again consider throwing crowded fundraising events replete with cold chicken and Chiavari chairs.

And in all this, in just a couple short months, we will never have to listen to the orange man say the words “billions and billions and billions” or “Russia, Russia, Russia” ever again.

